How to Host a Vintage Fashion Show & Tea

Bronwen and her family have enjoyed collecting many things, including fans, clocks, books and shells.

A Fun Vintage Fundraiser

Holding a vintage style testify is a great style to involve people, have fun together, and heighten some funds for a favourite charity or cause.

The best fashion to brainstorm is to become the people in your group enthusiastic virtually this fundraiser idea. They will soon be thinking near apparel that they accept hidden away in some corner. And then many people have articles that have happy memories (not just wedding dresses just mementos of other special occasions) and probably even some clothes of long-departed ancestors that merely seem to accept been kept for sentimental reasons. Soon, many in the group will be back abode happily sorting out vintage and antiquarian clothes of all kinds.

It tin be a good idea to invite other local groups or clubs. Advertise information technology widely, so you get a good-sized audition. Depending on the size of the venue that is available, y'all should be able to make information technology into a gala event that is very popular and gets people talking and supporting your cause.

1970s Informal Wedding: Mother of the Bride

1970s Informal Wedding: Mother of the Bride

Organizing a Vintage Fashion Show

At that place are basic things that need to be considered in the arrangement of a vintage manner prove. Once y'all have a group of people who are enthusiastic and willing to participate, information technology is a good idea to meet and brainstorm nearly what is needing to be done. Some are suggested hither, but your grouping volition probably call up of more. Make a list of these things then detect people willing to fill those positions, with an overall supervisor of the whole consequence every bit well.

  • Models: Some people will be able to model their contributions and will enjoy doing that, while others, unfortunately, don't have that xx-2-inch waist anymore and may have to enlist ane of the younger members of the family or the group to exercise the modelling.
  • An Organizer: Someone in accuse of the models to make sure that they enter in the right order and at the right fourth dimension; and possibly a small grouping of people to help in the dressing-room.
  • Setting the Scene: There may need to be some men to ready the stage or catwalk. Some potted shrubs or palms or fifty-fifty some flowers tin can add to the temper.
  • The Compere: This needs to be a competent person who is able to fill in if there is a gap in the models coming in. Likewise, much volition hang on how well and how interestingly the fashions are described.

Other Necessities

  • Ticket collectors: If archway is by invitation, the tickets need to exist collected, or the entrance donation. Extra people are needed for this.
  • Door Prizes: These can exist donated and arrangements fabricated most how the prizes are to be won: perhaps past the number on the archway ticket, or by paying an extra fee at the door. Other ways are by a 'lucky spot' and then people in preset spots at a given time, or numbers hidden on the back of chairs, tin provide the winners.
  • Refreshments: An area will need to be set aside for this and people chosen for the various tasks, e.g., such as organizing the tea and coffee urns, pouring, etc., clearing the tables. Decisions need to be made as to whether the refreshments are part of the entrance donation, or if an actress charge is to be made. There will need to be another decision about how the nutrient is to be provided—ordered in or 'bring a plate' (of cakes, finger-food, etc.) by the members. Some grouping members may prefer to make sandwiches in the venue kitchen, and the ingredients for these will need to be arranged. Exercise please remember that there are strict rules in many places about refreshments, the required temperatures of hot and common cold foods, and laws nigh cleanliness and paw-washing.
Knitted suit: 1930s

Knitted suit: 1930s

Dating Vintage Clothing

Many people will know who in their family wore the garment they have chosen to display and may be able to date it quite well. Nonetheless, in former days, many people did not ain as many dress as they do today, and they oft cared for them and wore them for years. Wearable and accessories that qualify as vintage fashions are those over twenty-5 years former, while those over lxx-5 years are regarded as antique clothes. Waists were ordinarily small until around the belatedly 1950s.

Briefly, an examination of the type of material, the fashion the garment was fastened and the length of the hems on ladies' dresses can assist in dating.

  • Fabric: If the clothes are truly vintage or antiquarian, most likely the fabrics will be either cotton fiber, linen, silk or wool. There are another exotics, such as camel-hair and angora, but the commencement four are the probable fabrics. Synthetics accept almost ordinarily merely been around since the mid-1950s when nylon dresses became popular. Nylon stockings came in effectually the 1940s, before that they were unremarkably woollen in the winter and lisle, or exotically silk, in the summer.
  • Fasteners: Ladies' dresses were fastened with buttons, ties and clasps until the belatedly 1930s. Early zippers were made of metal and until the 1950s, women'southward wearing apparel and brim zips were usually down the heart of the back.
  • Hems: The hems of ladies' frocks were ordinarily mid-calf in the 1930s and were not worn to a higher place the knees until the 1960s.
1889: Going Away Outfit - Woollen Travelling Jacket -  Embroidered in Silk

1889: Going Abroad Outfit - Woollen Travelling Jacket - Embroidered in Silk

On the Day

If you have called a supervisor for each section of activity, it tin be useful to accept an extra person 'floating.' They tin go from group to grouping and requite actress help when needed.

  • Welcomer: It tin can be a expert thought to have a cheerful welcomer at the door to direct people to where they need to go.
  • Archway Fee: If you have enough people, it tin be helpful to take two people at a table about the entrance. They can bargain with payments and donations, and if y'all are having door prizes, brand certain that everyone has a number.
  • Photographer: Probably families will have their own cameras at the ready, but it'southward good to choose someone who is practiced with a photographic camera to have the official record of the outcome. Yous may want to charge for copies of the photos subsequently.
  • Media Person: You may have called a member of the group to deed every bit liaison with the local media, such as the local paper. If this has been done, the liaison person volition be responsible for meeting and profitable whatsoever media representatives who come.
  • Supervisor of models: As it is an amateur evidence with most of the participants displaying their ain family garments, they will probably be responsible for them and may not demand much assistance in changing. Even so, a Supervisor will be helpful to make sure that the models are ready to walk out at the correct moment. At that place may need to be another assistant or 2, to help hasten the dressing of the models, their make-up and hair likewise.
  • Compere: The Compere needs to exist chosen carefully as much of the success of the show will depend on this person, and the way the models are introduced. The result is supposed to be fun. The Compere will demand a script with the society of the entrances of the models and descriptions of their garments and accessories. A copy of the script should also be given to the Supervisor of the models.
  • Supervisor of refreshments: There volition be a group of people dealing with the food, the pouring of the tea and java, the taking of payments and possibly the serving at the tables. A Supervisor to oversee and deal with any problems that might ascend can be a good idea. If it is a small bear witness, at that place may exist only a couple of people doing this together.
1890s Cotton Nightgown

1890s Cotton Nightgown

Read More From Bellatory

The Afterglow

There are quite a few things at the end of a show that need to be done. Y'all volition probably remember of more thanking, making announcements and cleaning the venue. If the work is planned advisedly and shared, information technology should not be too onerous—and fun for all involved!

  • Thanking participants: Before the guests get out, information technology is always important to officially thank special visitors, the guests, the participants and the workers. You may desire to give a bouquet or something like to those who have done the most work and a small posy to each of the models. These volition need to take been prepared or ordered beforehand.
  • Announcements: Whatever announcements should be made before closing the evidence. Information about the availability of photographs may be made, including any media persons who may take been nowadays if you lot are able to denote when a report may be available. If the corporeality raised has been calculated, this tin exist announced as it adds to the feeling that the bear witness has been a success and that all have contributed to that.
  • Cleaning upward: Once the guests have left, the venue needs to exist cleaned and things such equally tables and chairs that accept been moved replaced. Floral decorations may need to exist taken home over again. Rubbish should be taken care of and if there is any left-over food that should be dealt with, too. Y'all may fifty-fifty desire to auction information technology for a piffling more financial gain!
Models Together on the Catwalk

Models Together on the Catwalk

How do you score?

For each question, choose the best answer. The reply cardinal is below.

  1. Practice you have whatsoever retro fashions?
    • Yes
    • No
  2. Practice yous accept any vintage fashions?
    • Yes
    • No
  3. Practice you have whatsoever antique fashions?
    • Yes
    • No
  4. Do you ever habiliment any of them?
    • Yes
    • No
  5. Are y'all expert at organizing?
    • Yes
    • No

Answer Key

  1. Yes
  2. Yep
  3. Yes
  4. Yes
  5. Yes

Interpreting Your Score

If you got between 0 and i correct answer: Retro fashions are pop right now

If you got betwixt 2 and 3 right answers: Retro and vintage fashions can exist fun to wear

If you got 4 right answers: You accept a sentimental streak and take intendance of things

If y'all got 5 correct answers: Y'all could arrange a fun fundraiser!

© 2012 Bronwen Scott-Branagan

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (writer) from Victoria, Australia on Jan 29, 2019:

Aurelio: Yeah, information technology was not bad fun and every bit a fund-raiser information technology worked very well. I hope your efforts are a groovy success.

Aurelio Locsin from Orange County, CA on Jan 28, 2019:

What a groovy idea and lots of fun besides. I'll submit this to charities I'm involved with for their next fundraisers.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Commonwealth of australia on October 21, 2016:

PegCole17: It was a keen way to enhance funds and we did very well with it. Somehow we do seem to accumulate clothes from yesteryear, and it's fun to share them. Yes, babe dress were very different - sometimes I wonder how they e'er learned to walk with and then many encumbrances. Thank you for your lovely comments.

Peg Cole from Northward Dallas, Texas on Oct 17, 2016:

Your instructions for organizing a vintage manner show were quite inclusive and seem like a dandy way to heighten funds. Loved the photos of you in the vintage fashions. I think outfits similar the mother of the helpmate. Those long skirts were really fashionable along with the bow blouses. I accept a few vintage clothes of my ain and a few infant outfits that were my older brother's. Wow, they really dressed infants differently back then.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on August 11, 2016:

norlawrence:Thank you for your comments.

Norma Lawrence from California on August x, 2016:

Some great ideas and data. Cheers

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on March 06, 2016:

Peggy W: Oh, aye! These things accept a lot of organising, but they tin be and then much fun, too, and then all the try we've put in seems so much more than worthwhile, especially when it also turns out to make a proficient profit for the charity. Your ministry building project must have taken a whole lot of work, simply it also helps to get people working together, and that'south and then expert, too.

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on March 05, 2016:

That would certainly make for a fun fundraiser! I chaired a fundraiser for an assistance ministry years ago. Information technology was just about a year long project with securing a myriad of donations; labeling them for silent and alive auctions; arranging the dinner; securing the location and providing floral arrangements (which were besides sold) among other things. Information technology certainly takes many volunteers and good organization to attain good results. Dearest the photos in this hub! Looks like you had fun. Promise it was profitable for your clemency.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Commonwealth of australia on Baronial 30, 2015:

Like shooting fish in a barrel Exercise: Yep, information technology is fun, even for the organisers and participants as well as the audience. Thank you for your comments and the follow.

Kelly A Burnett from U.s. on August 29, 2015:

I love this idea! I of the all-time corporate events I always attended was a managerial bookkeeping luncheon and the entertainment was "fashion" in a fun manner. This is on my agenda! What fun! Thank you!

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on April 21, 2015:

ologsinquito: Thanks and then much for your comments. I'm sad I missed them before. It is popular - and fun!

csmiravite-blogs: Thank you! It's lots of fun and a good way of raising funds every bit a charity event, and every bit yous write, it can be as pocket-sized or as large as you desire to brand it.

Consolacion Miravite from Philippines on April 20, 2015:

What an interesting hub! Nosotros have vintage fund raising in the state but it is usually done by showcasing the works of known couturiers. Other manner fund raising exhibitions (vintage and not-vintage) are done via a calendar week-long run on exhibition halls with many participants. Your hub have shown that in can be done on a smaller and more of a family unit type affair. It seems more than fun for everybody who are a role of information technology! Great hub!

ologsinquito from USA on March 02, 2015:

What a nifty thought. Vintage clothing is and then popular now and and so much fun.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Commonwealth of australia on February 05, 2015:

Meggan Dunn: That's dandy! Promise it works and that you have fun - and raise lots for your charity.

Meggan Dunn from Winnie, TX on February 03, 2015:

This is an awesome idea! I will take to meet what I can do to get my organization to go for information technology.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on February 02, 2015:

MDavisatTIERS: Thank y'all! Existence a bit of a bower-bird can exist a problem. I've just been trying to clean out some of my storage corners over the summer holidays, but about of the things accept gone dorsum. Perhaps we used the same cloth for the skirts and that would be the difference, as I made mine. Thank you for your comments.

Marilyn Fifty Davis from Georgia on Feb 01, 2015:

Good evening, Blossom; wonderful idea and the photos added so much to the article. I come from a family of collectors and my two thou daughters like to raid my closet for vintage. I'yard non sure, but I think I have your '70s mother of the bride skirt in my guest/vintage closet. Cheers for this. ~Marilyn

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on January 05, 2014:

Lady East: It is such a fun thing to do. I promise information technology works for you.

Elena from London, Great britain on Jan 04, 2014:

Very useful to know. Thanks.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on December 25, 2013:

Thank you! I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas, besides. Yep, I've had a hub one-half-written for ages and tomorrow I have a granddaughter coming to stay, so I recollect it will even so be a while before I stop!

Jackie Lynnley from the cute south on Dec 24, 2013:

Hadn't seen you round, just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (writer) from Victoria, Australia on Dec 04, 2013:

The Stages Of ME: That was great! It take a lilliputian organizing but it's lots of fun. I'm and so glad that the girls enjoyed it, particularly as it was quite a wide age range. God anoint you, too.

Kathy Henderson from Pa on Dec 03, 2013:

Dear Blossom

I recently had a habiliment bandy way show with my Sunday schoolhouse girls ages 7-12th class. Information technology was a fun evening and information technology reminded me of this hub of yours. See it is true, reading something leaves a lasting imprint. God Bless

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on October 18, 2013:

Victoria Lynn: Vintage clothing is fun, even vintage patterns are popular right now. One of my granddaughters is always searching for 'new' ones.

SamitaJassi: Information technology's fun to share. Thanks for visiting.

Samita Sharma from Chandigarh on October 18, 2013:

Cheers for sharing. Up and more than and sharing

God bless, BlossomSB

Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, USA on October 17, 2013:

This is dandy! I dear the photos. Vintage habiliment is really crawly.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on July 11, 2013:

stars439: Give thanks y'all. The old styles are lovely, although my grandmother would take had a fit with me parading in her nightgown! May God bless you and your family, besides.

stars439 from Louisiana, The Magnolia and Pelican State. on July x, 2013:

Nice hub. The dress styles are so lovely. I like the nightgown of the 1800's. And the 1889 going away outfit has grade, and dazzler. You have great sense of taste, and style in clothes. GBY.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Commonwealth of australia on May 05, 2013:

Jackie Lynnley: It was great fun and different. Nosotros were invited to other venues to show it as well. It'south astonishing what fashions some people have stored away. Thanks for your vote and sharing.

Jackie Lynnley from the beautiful due south on May 04, 2013:

What a great thought, this would be fun and fantabulous way to interest everyone in something so different. Information technology is one I would certainly go for. ^ and sharing.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on April 03, 2013:

Johnkadu123: Thank you. Some of the old fashions were really elegant and attractive and, equally you write, some of today'southward fashions are unflattering and inelegant. Thank you for your comments.

Johnkadu123 from Toronto, Canada on April 02, 2013:

I am rather amazed at how good the girls look. Information technology is an inspirational arroyo to style which is sadly missing today where everyone just wants to stupor everyone. This is a great hub. Cheers

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on March 27, 2013:

If you do, I hope information technology goes well and that you - and all the participants - have lots of fun!

Agnes on March 26, 2013:

Maybe I will! :-)

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (writer) from Victoria, Australia on March 25, 2013:

Monis Mas: And so glad that you lot enjoyed it. Accept I inspired yous to try organizing ane, also?

Agnes on March 24, 2013:

Blossomsb, this is absolutely awesome idea, and a fantastic hub. I enjoyed it very much.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (writer) from Victoria, Commonwealth of australia on March 04, 2013:

jtrader: I agree. They are great fun and also assistance to engender a feeling of community.

jtrader on February 28, 2013:

I've been to a few shows like this. They usually are hilarious.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Commonwealth of australia on February 21, 2013:

Lizam1: Yeah, the retro fashions are actually pop at the moment, and although it was some work to organize, it was fun and then popular that we were invited to other towns to echo the prove, so it was a practiced fundraiser.

MomsTreasureChest: It is fun! Cheers for reading and for your comments.

MomsTreasureChest on Feb 16, 2013:

What a fun idea! And a peachy fashion to pull out all those treasures from our closets. Neat hub, thanks for sharing!

Lizam1 on February 15, 2013:

Given that retro fashions are now "in way" I think this is a great idea for a fundraiser and I like the thought of having young models model the older fashions to combine all age groups into the event. Cheers!

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on November 29, 2012:

Highland Terrier: Thanks for visiting. Information technology really was fun too every bit beingness a good fund-raiser.

Highland Terrier from Dublin, Republic of ireland on November 28, 2012:

What a brilliant idea. Thank you.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on Oct 13, 2012:

Eiddwen: Thanks. I am having a great weekend. It's sunny and Spring is really here. Hope your weekend is lovely, as well.

Eiddwen from Wales on October 13, 2012:

Brilliant Blossom and have a wonderful weekend.


Bronwen Scott-Branagan (writer) from Victoria, Australia on October 06, 2012:

shiningirisheyes: Cheers. Glad you enjoyed the ideas and the pics. Aye, I know that my grandson and his wife are very keen on 'retro' and vintage article of clothing. It really seems to be 'in.' I guess that makes most of my wardrobe really 'with information technology'!

Shining Irish Eyes from Upstate, New York on Oct 05, 2012:


This is a fantastic idea. Vintage interest is huge correct now and doesn't announced to be decreasing any time shortly. Wonderful suggestions and enjoyed the pics'.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Commonwealth of australia on October 03, 2012:

teaches12345: Information technology is fun. The photos don't show up all the pin-tucks and work on my Grandma's nightie. She would have been horrified at it being shown in public!

Dianna Mendez on October 02, 2012:

It looks similar everyone enjoyed this fund raiser. I dearest the idea and yous have made some suggestions that will help to make it piece of cake and successful to run. Love the nighties! What fun!

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Commonwealth of australia on Oct 02, 2012:

Vellur: Thank you lot, good friend. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.

Lipnancy: Glad you enjoyed the photos. It really was a lot of fun. It made me give my hoard an ambulation and treat information technology, too.

Nancy Yager from Hamburg, New York on October 02, 2012:

Y'all photos are absolutely wonderful. What a great thought!

Nithya Venkat from Dubai on October 02, 2012:

Enjoyed reading your hub. Great hub. You have given useful tips to organize a not bad fundraiser.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan (author) from Victoria, Australia on October 01, 2012:

Faith Reaper: It is fun, although it also lets y'all know that I have far besides much stuff hoarded away for sentimental reasons! I was going to post information technology in September, just had to buy a new printer and information technology took days to work out how to become it to 'talk' to my computer to add together the photos. Anoint you lot for your lovely comments.

Frank Atanacio: You lot're quite correct! The i I organized was with a women'southward grouping - sorry for leaving out the men. It would be keen fun for a men's group to suit, too.

Marcia Ours: It was quite a lot of piece of work to arrange, simply so much fun the first time that nosotros were invited to repeat it at several other venues as well.

cat on a soapbox: That was a lovely thing to exercise with some of your vintage pieces. Hope your proffer for the fundraiser comes to fruition. It really works well!

Catherine Tally from Los Angeles on October 01, 2012:

Hello bloom:) Lovely hub! What a fun idea and great use of those favorite vintage pieces that take been in storage! I just donated a lot of things to the theater dept. of my daughter's school but will share your suggestion for a perfect fundraiser. Thanks!


Marcia Ours on October 01, 2012:

What a great and fun idea! I dearest it! Beloved the pictures, likewise!!

Marcia Ours

Frank Atanacio from Shelton on Oct 01, 2012:

blossoms this does expect like a great bargain of fun and the the men could wearing apparel like they did in the 30's and 40's yep? and make money for a bang-up charity to boot yeah voted useful :) Frank

Faith Reaper from southern The states on October 01, 2012:

Morning Flower,

What an outstanding hub honey ane. I just dearest vintage fashion, and the fundraiser sounds like information technology would be and then much fun. Really interesting and detailed. I loved all the beautiful photos. Voted Style Up In His Love, Faith Reaper

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