French Fashion Company Names After a Greek God

How to name your clothing or fashion make

The ultimate stride-by-step guide by branding experts and startup specialists! Learn proven methods on how to create unique mode and article of clothing brand name ideas, and find a wealth of inspiration through the xx+ clothing and fashion proper name ideas listed below!
The fashion manufacture is worth 3,000 billion dollars (three trillion dollars) or ii% of the earth'southward Gross Domestic Product. This makes it one of the largest industries in existence. ( )

The largest fashion brand in the earth is Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy, which is valued at effectually 122 billion dollars. The company operates a chain of contained stores for manner brands such as Louis Vuitton, Fendi, and Dior. The largest Usa-based fashion brand is Nike. Nike is valued at around 105 billion dollars. ( )

The style manufacture's e-commerce market is predicted to be worth over i,000 billion past 2025. ( ) This makes the clothing and fashion industry an incredible opportunity for savvy entrepreneurs. It's no wonder nosotros run across new wear brands coming to life every day.

With and so many established brands, you have to create something special to compete in the fashion market. Beginning impressions are extremely of import since you often get only ane chance to capture the attention of potential buyers.

Create something special to compete in the fashion market!

One of the get-go things buyers see is your brand proper noun. That's why information technology's extremely important you find a tricky proper name for your clothing and style brand. And getting one that'south available is harder every year. At that place are more than 150 million registered .com domains , and finding one that'southward all the same available is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

This goes to testify how of import it is to spend enough time brainstorming ideas when creating your clothing brand.

At present, taking the time to develop a strategy for creating unique clothing name ideas is no piece of cake feat. And then, nosotros developed our clothing and way name generator to make the whole process easier for you lot.

In this commodity, we'll evidence y'all how to approach naming your clothing make and how to use our generator to find the perfect name that will stand out in the fashion market.

20 Unique Name Ideas for a Habiliment Make

I'm going to help you generate the perfect name for your clothing brand. Nosotros'll starting time with a few examples of catchy names that you can use for inspiration when starting your brainstorming process.

I advise you lot utilize our clothing and fashion brand proper name generator to help you speed upward the process. I'll share actionable tips and tricks y'all tin can utilize to create the best name for your fashion business concern.

Are you set up to get started? These are twenty catchy name ideas that can be used for a habiliment make.

  1. Absurd Couture
  2. Urban Stock
  3. Fitted Stitch
  4. Revella
  5. Monarch Attire
  6. Archetype Threads
  7. Vigorics
  8. Loosely Fitted
  9. Teens In Trend
  10. Elegant Fashion
  11. Evening Elegance
  12. Formal Allure
  13. Inner City Manner
  14. La Forme
  15. Boho Belle
  16. Luxe Lingerie
  17. Admiralia
  18. Brilliant Boutique
  19. Ever On
  20. Walk Gracefully

Best Style and Clothing Brand Names Right Now

To help you brainstorm potential manner and habiliment names, let's take a expect at three successful clothing brands and break downwardly why and how they've chosen to name their brand and why it works for them. Hopefully, this inspires you and helps y'all create your own fashion and clothing make name ideas.


"Equally Seen On Screen," is a digital market for millennials. Their name, as well every bit their selling strategy, is heavily targeted towards this historic period group. Even the use of an acronym is synonymous with the generation they are targeting: call up YOLO, FOMO, LMAO, etc.


A name synonymous with skateboarding, the brand has been able to carve out a unique niche for its manner of shoes. The name is unproblematic, instantly recognizable, and like shooting fish in a barrel to think – an ideal combination. This proper name shows that simplicity often works in the manner industry.

Forever 21

The proverbial youth. This name speaks to a plethora of customers who want to stay looking youthful and stylish. By engaging their vanity, Forever 21 has created an highly-seasoned proper noun. This is an experiential name since information technology describes an experience for customers. As we come across, there are different ways we tin create memorable habiliment brand names. Some are unproblematic, and straightforward, while others rely on uniqueness to differentiate themselves. Nosotros'll await at some actionable steps we tin can take to create modern and catchy fashion and vesture brand proper noun ideas.

x Things to Keep In Listen When Naming Your Clothing Brand

This section includes 10 actionable tips that volition help you create the perfect names for a clothing make. In this example, I'm creating a proper name for a article of clothing name that conveys innovative, effective, and uncomplicated values for its users. I also desire to differentiate the brand from other brands in the fashion industry. Here'due south how I created these wearable make names.

#1) Clarify Your Existing Competitors

Analyze Your Existing Competitors!

Earlier we start brainstorming name ideas, we need to know our market place and other clothing brands that are like to ours. This is an essential pace that a lot of people overlook when they start thinking about their habiliment brand proper name ideas.

Start past listing down ten or twenty existing mode and habiliment brands that are similar to yours. Recall of the brands you volition compete against in the marketplace.

These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself when analyzing your existing competitors:

  • Tin can y'all find whatever trends and words that often appear in their article of clothing brand names?
  • Practice they use similar name types?
  • Practice any names stand out for being very different?

#two) Position Your Clothing Make

There are two basic options you have when positioning your wear brand:

– You can make your wear brand fit in the market.
– Yous can make your clothing brand stand out in the market.

If y'all want to fit information technology, yous should re-create the name styles of existing fashion brands. You can even utilise the same words other companies use.

Simply make sure you're creating names that are dissimilar enough and won't get you into legal problem.

If you want to stand out in the marketplace, focus on using unique words and name styles. Make sure your name is different from other fashion brands.

This is the approach I recommend for all new clothing brands. People remember things that are different and stand out. This is the easiest way to position your clothing make for success in the market.

#three) Look for Inspiration Elsewhere

Nosotros already analyzed the names of other clothing brands in the market. Now information technology'south fourth dimension to move beyond that. You tin can turn to different markets and niches for inspiration. Choice a niche that's or marketplace that's different than yours.

Let'southward, for case, pick beauty and cosmetics. Look at the names people use in these two markets.

You will probably notice a lot of companies use words similar "ravish", "perfect", "glow", "bloom"… Tin can whatsoever of these words be used for your wearable make?

Of course. The word "glow" can correspond how people feel wearing your dress. The word "bloom" can serve a similar purpose. The words "ravish" and "perfect" can easily be used to draw a fashion brand. These are just examples. You tin turn to any market place or niche for inspiration. Don't spend all your time going through the names in your niche.

#four) Understand Different Name Types

I won't bore y'all with details or make this theory too complicated. Merely it's important we understand the basics of the naming theory. There are four principal types of names:

  • Descriptive (literal) names – These names describe what a brand does or its functions. This also includes acronyms, initials, founder names, and geographical names. (ex. Teens In Trend, Luxe Lingerie, etc.)
  • Invented (made-upwards) names – These names don't have any real significant. They are either completely fabricated-up or come from foreign languages. (ex. Vigorics, ASOS, etc.)
  • Experiential names – These names describe the feel of using the brand. They basically bear witness what people get when wearing your brand's wearing apparel. (ex. Evening Elegance, Forever 21, etc.)
  • Evocative names – These names represent the clothing brnads in a metaphorical instead of literal way. They stand for what the brand stands for instead of what it does. (ex. Always On, Monarch Attire, etc.)

We won't go any farther. This is enough to give yous a bones agreement of different proper name types.

#five) Go Beyond Descriptive Names

Nosotros learned about different name types in the previous betoken. We saw that descriptive names are the simplest names out there. While there'southward zippo wrong with them, they can't help your habiliment brand stand out in a crowded marketplace.

I propose we move beyond simple descriptive names when launching a new habiliment and fashion brand. Descriptive names are great when we want to blend in. But we already learned that this isn't the best approach for new brands, especially in competitive markets similar style.

Instead, remember of unique words, phrases, and metaphors that could exist used to represent your clothing make. This will help you lot stand out from your competitors.

#half-dozen) Brainstorm Your Proper name Ideas

Information technology is now time to start brainstorming what words could fit into your clothing and fashion brand name ideas. Your goal here is to create a list of words or names that come up to mind when thinking about your make.

In my name ideas, I used words similar "couture", "mode", and "attraction", y'all can see that while these words can be related to clothing and fashion brands, they too suggest that you can look a modern, creative outlook from this brand.

If you're stuck on words to employ, endeavour our clothing and fashion brand name generator. Here are my habiliment brand proper name ideas after brainstorming:

Cool Couture, Urban Stock, Fitted Sew, Revella, Monarch Attire, Classic Threads, Vigorics, Loosely Fitted, Teens In Tendency, Elegant Mode, Evening Elegance, Formal Allure, Inner City Mode, La Forme, Boho Belle, Luxe Lingerie, Admiralia, Vivid Bazaar, E'er On, Walk Gracefully

#7) Shortlist Your Ideas

One time you've developed a list of possible clothing and style name suggestions, analyze your ideas. Remove any names that could be difficult to retrieve, spell or speak aloud.

Keep names that are brandable, audio great, are memorable, and communicate your brand values to your target audience.

Here's a quick checklist you can run your ideas through to help shorten your list of names:

  • Is the proper name simple and easy to think?
  • Is the name easy to read and say aloud?
  • Is the name unlike from competitors?
  • Does the name convey a relevant meaning?
  • Does the name avert overused words or cliches?

#8) Get Some Feedback

You should now have a list of 3-six great clothing make name suggestions, and you can showtime gathering feedback. Ask potential customers or people working in the manufacture for feedback (your target audience).

Avoid feedback from family and friends. They are more likely to praise all your ideas, and they aren't your customer.

Be sure to enquire questions similar:

  • What first comes to listen when you hear the name?
  • How would you lot spell information technology?

With your customer feedback, you can start considerately analyzing the clothing and fashion make names you picked. Enquire yourself – Are these ideas nevertheless relevant? Do they still represent my brand?

#9) Cheque If It's Bachelor

At this indicate, information technology's proficient to have at least three great wearable make names on your list in case whatever of your names are already taken.

Y'all can start by doing a quick Business Name Search online to run across if your proper noun is available inside your country/country. While doing so, information technology'southward also expert to make sure that the proper noun is available for Trademark registration. It's proficient to make sure you tin legally employ the names you created. This tin can save y'all a lot of trouble downwardly the route.

Make sure you also check domain availability for your clothing make. You will demand a URL address to create a website and potentially a webshop for your brand.

You tin can utilize our clothing and style make proper noun generator for this step. It shows available domains for all make names it generates.

#10) Develop Your Brand

This is the last affair y'all need to do before launching your clothing brand. The proper name on its own isn't enough to help y'all dominate the fashion market. You take to create exciting visual cues that go with the name.

How will the name look in the logo? Which tagline will you utilise for your clothing brand? What colors represent the emotions of your brand?

Make sure you create a cohesive brand where all elements work together. I suggest you go help from a professional graphic designer for this step.

Can I Name My Article of clothing Brand Anything

This is a broad question that needs to be answered. Sometimes, people think that your brand name isn't all that important.

But that's far from the truth. Sure, you tin can ever rebrand and rename your vesture line downwards the road. Simply this comes with a huge pile of potential issues. That'southward why it's always best to have time and develop the right proper noun.

The one that you will use for your clothing make for years and decades to come.

While you lot tin technically use any sounds and words for your way make, there are some limitations that y'all need to consider.

The two most important factors that dictate your clothing brand name pick are:

  • Availability
  • Significant

You lot have to make sure that the fashion names you create are available. Nosotros go more in-depth on this topic in the side by side department.

For now, just know that making certain you tin can legally use the proper name is the best approach.
You also have to make sure that the meaning of the name fits your fashion brand. You lot obviously demand to make sure that the name doesn't accept any negative meanings or connotations in any language.

The last thing you want is to pick a name that your target audience volition negatively accept.

The meaning of your vesture brand must also match your brand'south personality and positioning. Nosotros already discussed that the best fashion brands are cohesive.

That means that all make elements work together to create a memorable brand.

As you see, at that place's more than to naming a clothing brand than just going through random words and phrases.

Having the right strategy helps create names that are available and fit your brand. We suggest you use our wearable and fashion brand name generator and follow the steps nosotros listed in this article.

How Practise I Know if My Clothing or Mode Make Name Is Taken

Mode and vesture brand names are covered by trademarks. You lot demand to check if the proper name y'all created is covered by a trademark. Continue in mind that a trademark doesn't have to exist registered in order to be.

That means that if there's existing clothing or fashion brand with the aforementioned proper noun as yours, information technology's possible that it's protected past a trademark even if the trademark isn't registered.

You lot can use USPTO to check the database of registered USA trademarks and you lot tin can use WIPO to check international trademarks databases.

This is a difficult and demanding task, especially if you don't take experience. It's commonly easier and faster to hire a trademark attorney to do this step for yous.

Y'all can practice a preliminary search to eliminate names that are obviously covered by a trademark.

Simply to know for sure, nosotros always recommend hiring an attorney. While this volition cost you coin, it volition save y'all potential legal troubles down the road.

Another thing you demand to consider when starting a way brand is domain availability.

Your fashion brand proper noun is useless without the matching domain. You lot need to have a website if you desire to sell your clothes online.

The problem is that finding bachelor domains is getting harder and harder. There are two unproblematic means to discover domains for clothing shop name ideas if the exact match .com domain is already taken:

  • Yous can use alternative domains that are gaining popularity. Some of the options are .co, .io, .way
  • You can utilize modifiers. These are short words we add at the beginning or at the finish of names to get available domains. Some pop options are "the" and "clothing" at the beginning or "manner" and the end.

Our wearable and fashion name generator immediately tells yous which names have available domain names.

It even goes across .com domains and shows which alternative domain extensions are acceptable.

All you take to do is click the "+" symbol on any of the proper noun ideas that the generator makes. It will give you a listing of domains that you can annals.

This will help you save so much time, and it will brand the whole process a lot more enjoyable since you lot don't have to use any other tools to decide which names have available domains.

How The Most Expensive Fashion Brands Came Upwardly with Their Names

Fashion brands often have interesting stories nearly how they created their name. Let's look at some famous and expensive fashion brands in the world and encounter how they got their names.

We'll outset with the first batch of mode brands – the ones named after the founder Prada, Balenciaga, Gucci, Burberry, Versace, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel were all only named subsequently the people that created the brand.

There are 2 interesting brands that are also named afterwards the founders, but they also used a twist.

Ralph Lauren is a brand named after a founder who was built-in Ralph Lifshitz. He explained in an interview that he purposely changed his last proper name considering he was often made fun of by other kids when he was younger.

He wanted to utilize a name that was easier to spell and pronounce. And about importantly, he wanted a name that won't get ridiculed by potential buyers. So, he changed his last name to Lauren.

Information technology's safe to say this was the right conclusion since he managed to grow the visitor into the huge success it is today.

Another interesting name nosotros should mention is Miu Miu.

The brand was created by Miuccia Prada, a Prada family member who branched out from their family business and congenital her ain make in 1993. The proper noun Miu Miu comes from her babyhood nickname.

Now let's wait at a few famous way brands that weren't named afterward the founder. We'll start with one of the biggest brands in the world – Nike. Nike comes from Greek mythology.

Nike is the Greek Goddess of victory. This is very meaningful since Nike wants to be associated with winning and performance.

Another brand that turned to Greek mythology for its name is Hermès. Hermes was an olympian god, the son of Zeus.

Hermes was the representative and the messenger of the gods. Hermes is divers as moving freely between the moral and divine worlds, he was the conductor of souls into the afterlife.

He was also viewed as the protector and patron of roads and travelers. These characteristics are aligned with what the brand wants to stand for.

As we learned, there are unlike ways premium brands go about naming. Hopefully, these stories inspire you and help you create a memorable fashion brand of your own.

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